The American Women's Group of Languedoc-Roussillon

The AWGLR is an international group of women with an American majority, all seeking the same outcomes - friendship, good company, stimulating group activitives/events. We come together to share our passions, like reading and writing;  cooking and wine tasting; donating and volunteering; assisting and mentoring in order to work towards a common goal: to enjoy our lives together. We also raise funds for causes close to our hearts. Please do not hesitate to contact us at awg.grapevine at Gmail.

As part of this year’s International Women’s Day programming, AWG, with support from the city of Montpellier, would like to invite you to an evening with Kristin Louise Duncombe. Kristin Louise Duncombe is an American author and therapist. Her award-winning memoirs, Trailing and Five Flights Up, are renowned in the global community for exposing the psychological struggles that often come with the expat experience. Kristin has previously come to speak to AWG about her books as well as to share tips on writing.

This time, Kristin will be presenting and discussing her newest book OBJECT: A Memoir of Childhood Abuse and a Shocking Cover-Up at the Highest Ranks of Government. Kirkus Reviews calls OBJECT "a work of great substance; a highly revealing account of abuse, and the struggle to overcome it." Booklife of Publisher's Weekly describes OBJECT as a "devastating, deeply brave memoir that ...shares breathtaking insights on loss, trauma, and resilience." Kristin Louise Duncombe lives in Paris.

Le Bookshop will be at the event with books for sale (cash or check only). The author will be available to sign your copy. An apéro will follow the presentation and discussion. This event is open to the public…please feel free to spread the word and bring your friends.

We look forward to seeing you there !

We're glad you're here.

Learn more about us and how to become a member!


This month's President's Message

Dear friends,

Spring has sprung in Montpellier! We always welcome the sunshine. Save the date for these exciting events coming up:

  • March 8: Meet Me on the Bridge International Women’s Rights Day lunch and quiz with our own quizmaster, Sealia Thevenau, at Brasserie Corum!
  • March 14: American Author Literary Event + apéro, with author, Kristin Duncombe. This event hosted by AWG and open to the public at the Maison des Relations International. Invite your friends!
  • April 6: Quiz Night Fundraiser to support Table d’Anouk. Let’s join together for some brain teasers, good food and drink with friends, and continue our support for this important local NGO.
  • And, later this spring watch for save the dates for the AWG Anniversary Lunch and the always popular Assemblée Générale + Apéro! You’ll receive Evites for all of these events with details and way to RSVP.

As always, you can check the calendar on the AWG website for the details. Thank you to our hardworking board and ALL of our activity chairs who coordinate so many enjoyable activities.

Jennifer Hodge Jerzyk
2024-25 President, AWG-LR

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Contact Us

Espace Jacques Ier d'Aragon
117, rue des Etats Généraux

Tram stop :  RIVES DU LEZ
awg.grapevine [@]

Member of FAWCO