Sit & Talk

Water for Mentawai project - YBTI

We can all be very proud.  Last year AWG nominated the YBTI Universal foundation Water for Mentawai project in Sumatra, Indonesia, which was awarded a FAWCO Development Grant.  We have just received a report from Sumatra to say that the project has been successfully completed. 
Five water storage tanks were purchased on "mainland" Sumatra and transported by boat and by road to a village on one of the Mentawai islands, where they have now been installed.  The project ran into difficulties when some of the locals decided that the mountain stream belonged to them, but the Indonesian project coordinators are very resourceful.  They contacted a well-digger on Sumatra and arranged for him to travel to Mentawai.  Thanks to the new well, there is now fresh water to fill the new storage tanks, which benefit not only the YBTI dormitory and learning center, but also some of the village families.  Because of the problems encountered, the project ended up costing more than the $4,500 FAWCO Grant.  It ran approximately $258 dollars over budget, but that amount was compensated by the $300 gift from AWG to the project last year, even before the grant was awarded. 
Anyone who would like to know more about the project or see more photos can contact Maggie.  Thanks to the rapid and successful completion of the project, it will be highlighted by the FAWCO Foundation at the conference in Dublin in March.

15 Feb.2012

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Espace Jacques Ier d'Aragon
117, rue des Etats Généraux

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