Writer's Bloc

Some Last Thoughts on the Dreaded Topic of Taxes!

Some Last Thoughts on the Dreaded Topic of Taxes!

With all the recent changes in tax laws, forms, declarations, etc., I personally have felt a bit overwhelmed and inadequate about my own taxes, let alone needing to share information with our club, as is my duty as FAWCO rep. Because of my weakness in this area, I have chosen to faithfully parlay all FAWCO’s messages about taxes for overseas Americans. But recently it has come to my attention that perhaps we are emphasizing the negative and maybe even scaring our members unnecessarily. One of our members recently called the US embassy in Paris to double-check that she was in compliance, and was basically told that with little or no income, it is not necessary to file. She says that overall she had a “very positive” experience with the Embassy, and it made her “proud to be an American.” I do not advise anyone on her taxes, so please inform yourself about your taxes—as we are all in different situations—but life is too short for worry.  : )

Thank you to everyone who has helped make this year fun and profitable for FAWCO activities. An extra huge thanks to Kim and Linda for helping me, to Maggie for helping me with the FAWCO books, to Caroline  for hosting her Autumn Meal fundraiser and to Maggie (again) and Marie-Catherine for hosting their Mardi Gras fundraising dinner and raffle. We had a great time this year, and it would not have been possible without the support of the board, so thank you AWG Board! I’m sad not to be able to continue on as your FAWCO rep., but I will be taking advantage of other opportunities that life is offering me.


24 June 2012


Contact Us

Espace Jacques Ier d'Aragon
117, rue des Etats Généraux

Tram stop :  RIVES DU LEZ
awg.grapevine [@]Gmail.com

Member of FAWCO