Book group reports

List of books of our Lending Library

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Books you can borrow on the openig day of the Lending Library. To know the days, see the calendar.

Authors Titles
ADICHE Chimamanda Ngozi Americanah
ALBOM Mitch Have a Little Faith
ALBOM Mitch The Five People You Meet in Heaven 
ATWOOD Margaret The Hand Made's Tale
ATWOOD Margaret Oryx & Crake
AUSTEN Jane Persuasion 
BACKMMAN Frederik A Man Called Ove 
BALLARD J.G. Empire of the Sun
BARBERY Muriel The Elegance of the Hedgehog
BARNES Julian The Sense of an Ending
BARRY Sebastian  Days Without End
BLOODWORTH James Hired  (hardback)
BOWLES Paul Stories
CATHER Willa Death Comes for the Archbishop
CHAPAN Gary  The Five Love Languages
CHERSTERTON G. K.  The Man Who Was Thursday-A Nightmare
CHEVALIER Tracy The Last Runaway
CLEAVE Chris Everyone Brave is Forgiven
CLEAVE Chris The Other Hand (UK edition of Little Bee)
COE Jonathan The Accidental Women
CONRAD Joseph Heart of Darkness
de BOTTON Alain How Proust can change your life 
DEMICK Barbara Nothing to Envy
DESAI Kiran The Inheritance of Loss
DIDION Joan The Year of Magical Thinking 
DOERR Anthony All the Light We Cannot See
DREW Alan Gardens of Water
DRYSDALE Helena Mother Tongues, Travels through Tribal Europe
EDUGYAN Esi Washington Black 
EISLER Benita Naked in the Marketplace; the Lives of George Sand
ERDICH Louise The Round House
EVARISTO Bernardine Girl, Woman, Other 
EVERETT Percival The Trees
FAULKS Sebastian  Where My Heart Used to Beat    
FAULKS Sebastian  Human Traces
FOWLER Karen Joy The Jane Auxsten Book Club
FULLER Alexandra Don't Let's Go to nthe Dogs Tonight
GALCHEN Rivka Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch 
GALE Patrick A Perfectly Good Man 
GARMUS Bonnie Lessons in Chemistry 
GLASS Julia A House Among the Trees
GOLDSBY Robin Meloy Waltz of the Asparagus People
GORDIMER Nadine The Pickup 
GREER Andrew Sean A story of a marriage
GREER Germaine The Whole Woman
GREER Germaine The Female Eunuch
GREGORY Philippa The Other Boleyn Girl
GRUEN Sara Water for Elephants
GUTERSON David Snow Falling on Cedars
HALLIDAY Lisa Asymmetry 
HARRIS Robert Imperium
HASHIMI Nadia When the Moon is Low
HEALEY Emma Elizabeth is Missing
HILL Lawrence Someone knows my name
HISLOP Victoria The Island
HOSSEINI Khalad  The Kite Runner
HOSSEINI Khalad  A Thousand Splendid Suns
HURSTEN Zora Neale Their Eyes Were Watching God
HUSTVEDT Siri The Summer Without Men
IRVING John Last Night in Twisted River
JOHNSON Adam The Orphan Master’s Son
KEWYCKA Marian A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian
KING Laurie R. The Beekeeper's Apprentice
KINGSOLVER Barbara The Lacuna
KINGSOLVER Barbara The Bean Trees
KINGSOLVER Barbara Demon Copperhead 
KRAKOUER Jon Into Thin Air
KRISTOF Nicholas and Sheryl WuDunn Half the Sky
LAWRENCE D.H. Sons and Lovers
LE TELLIER Hervé The Anomaly
LEVY Andrea Small Island
MAGUIRE  Gregory Wicked
MAKKAI Rebecca The Great Believers     
MANDELA Nelson  Long Walk to Freedom  (hardback)
MARKLEY Stephen Ohio
MARTEL Yann Life of Pi 
MASON Daniel The Piano Tuner
MAWER Simon The Glass Room
McADOW Row The Grove of Hollow Tree
McCARTHY Cormac Child of God 
McCARTHY Cormac Outer Dark
McCULLOUGH David John Adams
McEWAN Ian Atonement
MENGISTE Maaza The Shadow King
MESSUD Claire The Emperor’s Children
MICHELL Lynn White Lies
MILLER Madeline The Song of Achilles
MILLER Andrew Pure
MISTRY Rohinston Family Matters 
MONK Kidd Sue The Secret Life of Bees
MORTENSON Greg Three Cups of Tea
MUNRO Alice The View from Castle Rock
NAM-JO Cho Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982
O’CONNELL Fergus Call the Swallow
OBAMA Barack Dreams from My Father
ORANGE Tommy There There 
PATCHETT Ann Bel Canto
PATCHETT Ann The Dutch House 
PICOULT Jodi Leaving Time
PURNELL Sonia A Woman of No Importance 
RICHARDS Ben The Mermaid and the Drunks
ROSNAY Tatiana de Sarah’s Key
ROTH Philip American Pastoral
ROTH Philip Indignation
ROY Arundhati The God of Small Things 
SHAFFER Mary Ann & Annie Barrows  The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society
SHAMSIE KIamila Home Fire
SITTENFELD Curtis Rodham
SLIMANI Lila In The Country of Others 
SMILEY Jane Horse Heaven
SMITH Zadie White Teeth
SOBEL Dava Galileo’s Daughter  
SOLITatjana The Lotus Eaters
SOYINKA  Wolé Aké: The Years of Childhood
STEINER Susie Missing Presumed
STIBBE Nina  Love, Nina – Despatches from Family Life
STOCKETT Kathryn The Help
STROUT Elisabeth Olive Kitteridge
STROUT Elisabeth My Name is Lucy Barton
TAYLOR Dora M. Serpents and Ladders
THACKERAY William Makepeace  Vanity Fair
TOIBIM  Colm Nora Webster
TYLER Anne A Spool of Blue Thread
VERGEHESE Abraham Cutting for Stone
VERGEHESE Abraham The Tennis Partner
WALLS Jeanette The Glass Castle
WHITEHEAD Colson The Underground Railroad
WINMAN Sarah Still Life
WOLFF Tobias Old School
WOODMAN Richard 1805
YOUSAFZAI Malaya (with Christina Lamb) I Am Malala
ZUSAK Markus   The Book Thief

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